This service delivery charter puts into place standards that will guide the ICT Unit in providing quality services to its employees.

The Charter provides information on a range of services offered, charges levied and the timelines for the services by the Municipality ICT Unit to Municipality Staff and the general public.   


To be an efficient Municipality, offering quality services to its internal and external stakeholders.


To provide quality services that are accessible, effective, efficient and sustainable.

Core Functions

  1. Managing ICT projects
  2. Repair and maintenance of ICT hardware equipment
  3. Capacity building on ICT skills and development
  4. Designing, installing and maintaining of the Municipality network infrastructure
  5. Offer ICT user support

Our core values

  • Client focus
  • Team spirit
  • Seamless service
  • Responsiveness
  • Integrity

Service Matrix

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Quality Service Is Our Priority

Any enquiries/ correspondences/complaints and complements may be directed to the; –


TELEPHONE: 0562-030-222

Email: kakamegamunicipality@kakamega.go.keWebsite: www.kakamega.go.ke/kakamegamunicipality

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36-50100, Kakamega

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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