Duties and Responsibilities
- Overseeing the affairs of the Municipality.
- Implementing the decisions and functions of the Board and answerable to the Board
- Act on behalf of the Municipality in ensuring the execution of the directives of the Board
- Prepare and present for approval of the Board of Municipality, an annual estimate for revenue and expenditure to fund and carry out the programmes of the Board
- Formulating and implementing Integrated Development Plans
- Controlling Land Use, Land Sub-Division for various development purposes as may be delegated
- Developing and adopting Polices, Plans, Strategies and Programmes for efficient running of the Municipality
- Promoting and Undertaking infrastructural Development and Services within the Municipality as may be delegated by the County Government
- Developing and Managing Schemes. Including site development in collaboration with relevant National and County Agencies
- Maintaining a comprehensive database and information system for the Municipality
- Enforcing the Fees, Levies and Charges as May be authorized by the County Government for delivery of services
- Ensuring provision of services to its residents
- Initiating new or making recommendations for issues to be included in the laws
- Implementing National Policies of the County Executive Committees as they affect the Municipality
- Enforcing compliance with constitutional provisions on Consumer rights, Fair Administrative action, Bill of Rights and Values and Principles of Public Service
- Preparing Annual Appropriation Bill and submitting it to the County Treasury for consideration and transmission to the County Assembly for approval
- Establish , Implement and monitor Performance Management Systems
- Coordinating and facilitating Citizen Participation in the Development of Policies and Plans and delivery of Services
- Implementing Policies for Fire and Disaster Management
- Promoting a safe and healthy environment
- Performing such other functions as may be delegated from time to time